We are here for you.
If you find yourself in an acute crisis situation where you are confronted with acts or threats of violence or if you even have thoughts of not wanting to live anymore.
We are here to help you work through the acute crisis situations or the times of high suicidal risk or being threatened with violence. We can help you with telephone or personal counselling or advice via E-Mail, or with psychotherapeutic intervention and/or, if necessary, also with medical treatment to help you find a way to get out of the crisis.
For these conversations there will be no charge for you (except perhaps for any deductible your insurance company may require, if that is possible for you). The first conversation is possible even without your setting an appointment in advance. For conversations with a group of three or more persons we would appreciate setting this up in advance by telephone.
Interpreters can be arranged for counselling sessions.
Phone: 01 406 95 95 (Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m.)
We can support you in situations such as:
acute conflicts in your relationship or family situation / fear of losing your partner or facing separation / the death of someone close to you / serious illness / experiencing acts or threats of violence / traumatic experiences / difficulties in your place of work or facing the possible loss of your job / changes in your life where you do not see how you can possibly handle them
where the burden of the crisis seems to be more than you can possibly bear / desperation and hopelessness and sadness / sleeping disturbances and a total lack of energy to get started in the day / anxiety and panic / psychosomatic symptoms / acts of violence and aggressive behavior / thoughts of suicide / suicidal attempts
This offer is for all people 18 years old or older, who find themselves in such an acute crisis situation.
We can also offer help for relatives or friends and also for colleagues from other psycho-social institutions, who deal with people in such acute crises and are feeling overburdened themselves.
Contact Information
01 / 406 95 95
Anonymous, Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Anonymous, answer (in German) within 24–48 hours
(Crisis Intervention Center)
Lazarettgasse 14A, 1090 Wien
Personal conversations can take place Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. We would appreciate if possible, that you contact us by telephone to set up such an appointment.
Outside our opening hours you may leave a message on our answering machine, and if you wish, we can return your call during our next opening hours.
In case of an emergency please call the Telefonseelsorge at 142 or the Socio-Psychiatric Emergency Service (PSD-Wien) at 01 / 313 30.